Woodworkers and anyone else needing to use splitters for their job or hobby have probably all experienced the frustrations that can be caused by average splitters like binding, burning and kickback. Issues like those are now a thing of the past with the advent of the MJ SteelPro Splitter! This optimized table saw splitter makes cutting wood with precision safer and smoother than previously possible. MJ Splitters all come with drill guides that align your drill perpendicularly along the table surface so that installing the Zero Clearance Inserts (ZCI) is simple and quick. That means you get to the woodworking faster! All of the MJ Splitter SteelPro products are available in two types of kerf size indicated by color. This splitter includes a Kerf Keeper which takes damaging pressure off of both the saw blade and splitter. If you want to learn all of the revolutionary features of the MJ Splitter by Microjig, you can check out the site for information and even instructional videos!
Every one of Microjig's excellent products are designed with their company slogan in mind and that is: work smarter. When the modern carpenter uses Microjig tools optimized for precision and speed, they are working smarter, not harder. Do yourself a favor and take the unnecessary guesswork, formulas, homemade contraptions and what have you out of woodworking so that the only thing on your mind is the piece you are crafting. Produce pieces better than factory quality in a short amount of time with Microjig's efficient and comprehensive tools.
Microjig tools are available at Menard's and local hardware stores across the Midwest. You can also shop the 5 star rated products on the Microjig site and Amazon.com, and have them delivered to you. Follow Microjig on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube for instructional videos, info on products and more!